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Spalding County Animal Shelter

Animal Shelter FAQs

Order your personalized 今天!

In September 2020, 斯伯丁县将破土动工兴建一个新的动物收容所, you can show your support 今天 by purchasing a 砖 in memory or dedication to a loved one or animal.

Order your 砖 在这里.

斯伯丁县动物控制中心的收养程序相当简单.  动物的认领期为3个完整工作天.  在那之后,他们就可以供公众收养了.

Deciding on a Pet – The first step in the process of adopting a pet is to consider your family’s needs and the living arrangements that you have.


  • Do you have children, 如果是这样的话, 什么年龄, 他们在寻找宠物的活动水平
  • Are t在这里 elderly adults in the home, 他们想要一只小哈巴狗还是一只大狗来提醒他们有访客
  • 你是住公寓还是出租房?如果是的话,你的房东允许养宠物吗
  • 你是想养户外的宠物还是想养室内的宠物
  • 你是想要一只小狗,还是想要一只已经被宠坏的老狗?

These are considerations, along with others, that must be taken into account when adopting a pet.

Applying for the Adoption -在你选择了一只适合你家庭和生活环境的宠物之后, 有一份领养协议必须填写. Then t在这里 is an Online Adoption Agreement Fillable Form 签署. Once this application is reviewed and approved, 还有一些事情要做,使采用完成:

Arranging for Spaying or Neutering – Spalding County Animal Control has a policy that all animals must be spayed or neutered. All adoption fees listed below include the cost of Spay/Neuter and Rabies Vaccination for the animal.


斯伯丁县动物收容所的额外资源:参观 Spalding County Animal Shelter Facebook Page 或访问 Spalding狗.com

狗 < 60 lbs $140.00
狗 > 60 lbs $155.00
母猫 $110.00
雄猫 $100.00

Once the Adoption Agreement has been signed you will have 5 days to arrange for the animal to be picked up from our shelter.  有一个 $10.00 a day boarding charge 在这5天里,动物可能会和我们在一起.  如果动物在5天内没有被捡走,它将被重新安置给领养人.


If your animal has been impounded by the Spalding County Animal Control or the City of Griffin it will be available for reclaim for 3 (three) full working days from the date of impoundment.  Your animal will be available for adoption by the public after the reclaim time has been succeeded.

If you have 证明 如你的宠物已接种狂犬疫苗,有关费用如下:

  • 狗 & cat reclaim fee: $20.00
  • 牲畜 & exotics reclaim fee: $75.00
  • 狗 & cat board: $10.00 per day for every day or part of a day
  • 牲畜 board: $20.00 per day for every day or part of a day

If you do not have 证明 如你的宠物已接种狂犬疫苗,有关费用如下:

  • 狗 & cat reclaim fee: $30.00加18美元.00 for rabies vaccinations
  • 狗 & cat board: $10.00 per day for every day or part of a day
  • Rabies vaccination: $20.00


有很多方法可以帮助斯伯丁县动物收容所的动物. The following is a partial list of things the public can donate to make the animals a little more comfortable during their stay at the shelter. (This is only a partial list, any suggestions or ideas that you have are always appreciated.):

  • Cat food, dog food or kitty litter
  • Beds for the kennel floors
  • 毛巾、毯子和用来睡觉和洗澡的破布
  • 梳洗用品(除蚤剂、洗发水、刷子、剪刀等).)
  • 狗 leashes and collars
  • Food and water bowls, litter pans

格里芬距离亚特兰大以南仅45分钟车程, 因此,人们为了一个特殊的宠物而去旅行并不罕见. 在某些情况下,长途收养可能是一种选择. 请致电 (770) 467-4772 to arrange your adoption. Then contact one or more pet transportation companies to arrange your pet’s travel to his new home.

宠物主人经常以房子被弄脏为由交出他们的宠物, 侵略, destructiveness, 吠叫, and excessive meowing. 哀叹自己没能处理好这些不受欢迎的宠物行为. 在一个通常会处理任何“不起作用”的东西的社会里, dogs and cats who display undesirable behaviors are often relinquished by their owners to animal shelters. 因为很少有潜在的宠物主人会收养有已知行为问题的宠物, these animals are often euthanized. Given that an estimated four to six million companion animals are euthanized by animal shelters annually, 不良行为也许是最致命的疾病.

  • Barking dogs: 狗 bark for a number of different reasons. Try to evaluate your dog’s environment and perhaps you can come up with several reasons your dog barks. 当你的家人在学校或工作时,你的狗狗是否整天独自留在家里? 虽然许多狗可以适应白天的孤独生活, others may be lonely, bored or frustrated. 它们可能会不停地吠叫或咀嚼东方地毯. 你会把你的狗拴在链子上吗? These dogs need more human companionship. This can be accomplished in a number of ways from hiring a dog sitter to adopting another dog. 两只狗可以互相作伴,一起玩耍,互相锻炼. 如果你家附近有一个安全的狗圈, 考虑为你的狗安装一个狗门,让它们自行使用. Giving your dogs a variety of environments and allowing them to choose w在这里 they want to be will go a long way towards alleviating boredom and 吠叫.
  • Jumping on people: 几乎所有的狗都可以被教在命令下安静地坐着,而不是跳起来, and this behavior is especially easy to teach when the quiet and well behaved dog is amply rewarded with the attention she so desires.
  • Female dogs in heat: T在这里 is only one obvious answer to the problem of male dogs chasing after your female dog in heat! GET HER SPAYED!! Unless you breed purebred dogs, 没有理由让你的母狗或公狗不做绝育手术. 阉割和绝育不仅可以消除你院子里不想要的狗, 但也有不受欢迎的小狗导致你的狗的轻率.
  • Aggressive dogs: An estimated 4.7 million people, most of them children, are bitten annually by dogs in the United States. Millions of these dog bite injuries could be prevented through public education and responsible dog ownership. 狗 who are properly trained and socialized, who receive adequate care and attention, 被安全关起来的人不太可能咬人. 经过消毒的狗咬人的可能性降低了三倍.
  • 狗 that dig: The dog who digs up his owner’s yard cannot comprehend the amount of time and expense that went into the landscaping and rosebushes. It may also be true that his owner doesn’t appreciate a dog’s need to exercise and interact socially with other dogs or with humane companions. Denied social opportunities, 狗可能会认为破坏风景是一种有趣的让自己有事可做的方式. A dog who gets plenty of exercise and companionship and is given his own special part of the yard to dig in will no longer wreak havoc on the landscape.
  • 猫 scratching furniture: 猫 scratch. It’s a fact of cat life. 抓挠可以让猫伸展和锻炼, to mark her home with her own scent, and to shed overgrown nails. Cat owners who understand and accept normal cat behavior provide an acceptable place for their cats to perform this instinctive activity, and the cat and owner live in peace.
  • 猫 who refuse to use the litter box: 有些猫, 由于不愉快的(有时是未知的)经历, 拒绝使用装满猫砂的普通猫砂盒. Trial – and – error may lead to the discovery of a solution both cat and owner can live with, 比如用一个空盒子或一张干净的报纸代替猫砂盆.

With commitment, 宽容, 耐心, expert assistance, and perseverance, 几乎所有理想的伴侣动物行为都是可以解决的. The key is to keep negative aspects of the relationship from overshadowing positive aspects. 虽然看起来动物从行为的解决中受益, we must admit that humans benefit more. The difficulty of resolving an undesirable behavior is a small price to pay for a lifetime of companionship, love and acceptance.

我知道在斯伯丁县倾倒动物是违法的. Can I turn an animal in to the shelter?

Blood sports, or illegal dog fighting, 是格里芬-斯伯丁县非常严重的问题吗, 斯伯丁县动物管理局坚决反对. 我们坚持认为,这些是残忍的动物竞赛,导致痛苦, 酷刑, 骚扰, 以及被迫参与的动物的死亡. 这样的运动相当于以折磨为乐,是有辱人格的,不适合文明社会. In 1998 alone, 斯伯丁县动物控制中心扣押了174只斗牛梗和混血斗牛梗. Out of this number, 121 were found with wounds, scars, broken bones, and open lacerations. Many of the others were found abandoned or were impounded pending cruelty charges against their owners. Either the Griffin Police Department or Spalding County Animal Control broke up three organized dogfights.

Although many people believe that this crime does not affect them personally and that these crimes are committed in the inner cities by people who will never touch their lives, this is not the case. Perpetrators of illegal dogfighting have many links to the community of Griffin-Spalding County. 斗狗每年产生数百万美元的未申报收入. 非法赌博占了这笔钱的一部分. 除非法赌博外,斗狗还经常涉及其他犯罪活动. 缠斗中几乎总是有非法毒品和武器. 许多和狗打架的男孩也是帮派成员. “游戏”狗是大多数帮派成员喜欢塑造的男子汉形象. These gang members are the same people who sell drugs on the streets of Griffin-Spalding County.

有一个lso a proven link between people who abuse animals and people who abuse children. Many child abusers, serial killers and murderers began their “careers” as animal abusers. These are people with little or no respect for the life of an animal; and as time passes, they no longer have any respect for life at all and often turn to a more challenging victim, such as a child.

狗fighting is a cruel, inhumane sport carried on right 在这里 in our community of Griffin-Spalding County by individuals of all walks of life. From the street fighter to the professional, dogfighting for sport has no regard to race, social status or income. The American Pitbull Terrier has replaced the junkyard dog; the Doberman Pinscher, 罗威纳犬和德国牧羊犬是“男子汉”狗的首选. Whether the dog is stolen from a backyard and fought in an impromptu match initiated in a back alley or bred, 条件, and fought with great pride on a national basis, Spalding County, 乔治亚州是这类犯罪活动的温床.

Spalding County, GA